Rev. Elaine Rumley at Empowered Women's Breakfast by DGM- Part 1
Rev. Elaine Rumley brings the Word to encourage women at the Empowered Women's Breakfast hosted by Destiny Generation Ministries At Prayer Mountain in Dallas, Texas. August 16th 2014.
Rev. Elaine Rumley at Empowered Women's Breakfast by DGM- Part 2
The Empowered Women's Breakfast hosted by Destiny Generation Ministries At Prayer Mountain in Dallas, Texas. August 16th 2014.
Time of ministration after the Empowered Women's Breakfast
The Empowered Women's Breakfast hosted by Destiny Generation Ministries At Prayer Mountain in Dallas, Texas. August 16th 2014.
Elaine Rumley- Message in Mendoza, Argentina
Elaine Rumley- Salt Covenant- Mendoza, Argentina
Elaine Rumley- Altar call minsistry- Argentina
Prophetic Message during Cordoba Church Introduction
Elaine delivering a prophetic message at the beginning of the service.